About Us

Launched in 2012, 180fashions is the first online custom shirt brand in India. We are on a mission to reinforce that world class quality and product can originate in Chennai. We marry contemporary product design and technology with old school tailoring techniques to bring you a high quality yet affordable product.

Our young and energetic team comprises creative marketers, innovative tech geeks, seasoned product experts and customer service genies, spread across our various locations in the city.

We’re motivated by a singular mission – to build a world-class brand, based out of Chennai.

Focus on Design

At BSC, we help you channel your individuality, by providing fabrics and design options that are curated to reflect the latest sartorial trends. We are constantly innovating with fabrics and refining designs to ensure the perfect blend of contemporary design and classic tailoring. Our commitment to design extends to all areas of the company – our retail stores, digital touchpoints as well as the products and packaging themselves.

Quality & exacting methods

The provenance of our shirts is very important to us. We’ve curated a select group of fabric vendors from across the world. Only the finest raw materials are sourced. Every detail is scrutinized. Our manufacturing process involves only state-of-the-art machines and well defined processes. The perfect shirt is just a sum of its parts. To learn a little more about our production processes, click here

Don't pay over the top

Custom-made shouldn't necessarily mean expensive – by selling directly to customers, we cut out the middle men, and pass the savings on to you. Customise as little or as much as you want, there are no extra charges. We challenge the notion of ready-to-wear by pricing our shirts at a similar price point.

Custom-made need not be complicated

It is our endeavour to simplify and de-mystify the process of shopping for custom-made shirts. Whether fabric descriptions or collar explanations, we try to keep them fun and quirky, making it easy to understand. Our sizing process is also revolutionary – our FitSmart Algorithm compresses years of data to arrive at your custom fit. All we ask for is a few basic answers.

Our focus is on you

We understand that shopping online, specifically for custom-made shirts can be daunting for some. That’s why we have a dedicated customer service team to help you out, no matter what your concern may be. We’re dedicated to you, our customer, and will go to great lengths to ensure that you are happy with your shirts.